Thursday, May 30, 2013

Welcome to the Yevin Chronicles

Hello all, my name is Kevin Quigley, but you can call me Yevin if you are into that sort of thing.

I'm originally from Melrose, MA and went to Malden Catholic High School, after which i studied at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston for a year. Wentworth cramped my style hard so I decided to transfer to The University of Texas at Austin, which will hopefully be much more swag-filled (lack of a better term).

Tomorrow morning I will be moving out to LA for the summer, where I will be working an internship. I don't think I'm supposed to say the company due to legal mumbo jumbo so ill hold off on that for now. It's not actually in LA, but in a nearby city, Torrance.  However I'm still going to say LA, because people from Melrose say they are from Boston all the time and nobody complains (nobody important anyway) so the same rule must apply out west.

I made this blog for two reasons:

1) I want to get more into reading and writing so that i feel like less of an ignorant American, this blog will help with the latter

2) My family and friends will probably want to keep track of what I'm doing, since most of them live in New England and I will be all over the country for the next few years.  Maybe I'm just thinking too highly of myself, in which case I defer to rule #1

Anyway, if anybody is at all interested in what I'm up to, check out this blog, I'm sure i will fill it with many tales of fun, excitement, love, hate, and quality dining advice. Also, sorry to those who are fans of my irreverent humor, but family will be checking in here, so i will keep it PG-13 at most.