Friday, August 16, 2013

Is there anyone alive out there?

Hey all, all 5 people that have viewed this blog that is. I haven't written much in a while, mostly because work has been kinda draining and stuffs been monotonous. Recently, my friend Rob got a blog (, which got me thinkin' about writing on this again.  I quite enjoys my time in California, but I never really though there were many expiereinces worth righting about. Like, what was I supposed to do, write about surfing and chilling one a week? It would be the same thing over and over again and I would feel ashamed to write a blog like that. I thought i could instead use this blog to express myself, but my constant efforts to stay G-Rated got in the way of that. Since nobody reads this anyway, I'ma bump it up to and R-Rating. Not a controversial-graphic-violence-nudity-and-sexual-content R, but a would-be-PG-13-but-they-said-fuck-twice R.
  As for censoring my behavior, I'd like this blog to be an honest insight into my head, but I also would like to gain employment again after this internship ends.  To compromise, I may occasionally use weak innuendos that the younger crowd will pick up on, giving this blog a "holding my hand 3 inches away from your face saying 'I'm not touching you'" feel to it. So what the fluff have i even been doing this summer? Evidently spending too much time with Mormon coworkers because I just said fluff instead of fuck. To be honest I think I can cut down on my swearing, haven't felt as much need for it anymore since I left Boston. Related, I'm pretty sure I haven't uttered the n-word aside from singing along to songs in about 4 month. Same goes for misuse of the word "gay".   This isn't the only self improvement.
  I was about to use this next paragraph to talk about all the ways I've been bettering myself, but that's dumb. Instead I'll began to recap about what I've been doing recently.  So this dude that hired us, Rich, is like uber wealthy and has a dope house in Palm Desert. He wanted to make sure we had a nice time in California so he's been treating us to stuff, such as this tour of America's Largest Windfarm
As well as a zoo in the desert where I met my boy Felix

And a day at Del Mar, the racetrack that Bing Crosby himself envisioned
That's Deji btw, majority of my time has been spent chilling in the apartment with him. 
Last Saturday I fulfilled my childhood dream of going to Six Flags Magic Mountain, after which I will ever be able to return to the humble amusement park that is Six Flags New England:
That ride in the background is called X2, one of my favorite rides of the day. My Magic Mountain lived up to the hype I had in my mind. I ended up going by myself because everyone I know out here couldn't stomach rides. Wow, I really have toned down vulgar language. That sentence was supposed to be "everyone I know all pussied out" but my fingers typed something completely different. Must just be the cooperate environment. Anyways, when I got there I went straight to Full Throttle, the newest ride which was sure to have the biggest line. In line i struck up a conversation with the a group of 5 people behind me in line. Full Throttle sat 2 per row and they had an odd number, so I rode with them. We parted ways after the ride, but then I ended up running into them in line for another ride! At which point of course, they signaled me to linejump like a mofo, and after the ride they invited me to roll with them for the rest of the day. This was clutch because I had no idea how to find anything in that humongous park.  Anyways, I've been to Disney,  and i can safely conclude that Magic Mountain is at least 2-3 times happier. That's realtalk.
  I've been doing stand-up in LA about once a week. People even laugh sometimes. Good shit. It's a good excuse to actually get my ass into the city too, something I don't do often enough
   I also started watching Breaking Bad recently, which i something i seriously regret not doing earlier. Perhaps more on that in a later post.
In a week I move to Austin, TX to start my first year at UT.  I'm like, so excited you have no idea. Even though I've only spent a weekend in Austin, it's one of the coolest cities I've ever been too.  Right now, the world feels like my oyster, and I'm ready to crack it open with a small knife and eat the slimy organism inside



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