Friday, June 14, 2013

Top Ten Superhero Moments

Hey yall, nothing captivating really happened this week, but tonight is the night I've been waiting for since last years The Dark Knight Rises utterly disappointed me. Yes, I am indeed referring to the release of Zach Snyder's "Man of Steel". I love superheros, and whenever one makes it to the big screen I can't help but have a bit of a bias towards liking the movie regardless of the inevitable camp. But before I go and see America's first super hero in his epic action, let's take a look at my personal favorite moments in super hero movie history

#10 Superman Flies around the world really fast and reverses time(Superman, 1978)

Okay, okay, I know this scene is pretty much just the definition of Deus Ex macchina, and opens up a world of inconsistencies (why didn't he do that in every movie?) but this film INVENTED the superhero movie.  It's become a common theme in superhero cinema to have the hero showcase their best abilities in the climax, and that practice was first done in Donner's Superman. And that theme song is just great

#9 Spidey & New Goblin vs. Venom  & Sandman(Spider-man 3, 2007)

You are probably thinking "HOWZ THIS ON THE LIST SPIDER MAN TREE MEZZED UP VENOM HE WUZ IN THAR FUR LYK TEN MINETTEZ". That may be true, but those ten minutes were [expletive] -ing awesome.  His size left something to be desired, but Venom looked ILL.  It was an iconic fight, helped give Spider-man 3 SOME credibility.

#8 Statue of Liberty battle (X-Men 1999)

This was among one of the first superhero movies I ever saw, and it dared to go somewhere the genre had never gone.  Nolan's Batman Begins made darker, socially undertoney movies the norm, but X-Men is where that all started.  This scene has some of Marvel's finest heroes stopping some of Marvel's finest villains  from unleashing his plot to kill all humans... because he is racist.

#7 Thor invades Jodenheim (Thor, 2011)

(clip's from the next scene.. all i could find... sorry)
This was probably the most epic scene in the movie. Only problem was, it happened in the beginning, then left us with a two hour lull of Shakespear-esque drama. Oh well, I guess that's just Kenneth Branagh doing his thang.

#6 Iron Man and War Machine vs. an army of drones (Iron Man II, 2010)

Iron Man II is one of those movies that people don't really like. Sure, it really skimped on Iron Man action. Sure, the villain kinda sucked. But it had a few things going for it. 1)Don Cheadle 2)Scarlett Johansson 2)This Scene. Its got it all, witty RDJ banter, men in metal suits effing ish up, and....well thats about it

#5 Batman/Joker interrogation (The Dark Knight, 2008)

My mom would probably agree that great acting is more important than great action.  My mom has also never seen the Dark Knight because she "hates science fiction". Her loss. RIP Heath

#4 Tony's one-boot one-gauntlet brawl(Iron man 3, 2013)

Recent Iron Man films had Tony seeming virtually invincible when he's inside his suit. Black's Iron Man 3 changed things up, and dealt with Tony's dependence on his suits.  When only two parts of his suit any his call to battle, Tony is left to fight off Killian's henchmen, exposed, and the stakes are higher than ever

#3 Batman's big unveiling (Batman Begins, 2005)

How do you keep a superhero realistic and exciting at the same time? Chris Nolan knows how! Two words: su. spense.  After a long backstory, Batman slowly unveils himself, utters everyones FAVORITE line, then knocks out Falconi

#2 Spidey vs Doc Ock on a Train(Spider-man 2, 2004)

This scene is the quintessence of superhero films. There's a good guy, there's a bad guy, there are innocent civilian's as leverage. It's just so exciting, Despite the fact that Spidey technically loses in the end. I loved this scene when I saw it at age ten, and I still love it to this day

#1 The Avengers v the Chitauri (Avengers, 2012)

This is going to be hard for future movies to top.  This is pretty much the reason people love superhero movies.  Some of the most iconic characters in comic history, sharing the screen, fighting bad guys. The juxtaposition of Iron Man, Hulk, and Thor alone is mind boggling! The reason Marvel's comics were so great is that everyone's favorite titans shared a universe, and were able to team up.  Whedon brought this concept perfectly over to cinema, especially with that one continuous shot that pans through all the Avengers. As an added plus, this movie made it absolutely imperative that DC/Warner Bros get on track to a Justice League movie, which will probably have and equally if not better climax!

So that's it. I have tickets to see MoS in an hour, so tomorrow I'll throw up an update to how that was. For now, I'll live you with a quote which needs no citation, "UP UP AND AWAY!"

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